Earth Day: End Capitalism Before it Ends Us and the Planet
Earth Day 2024 comes amidst a climate emergency for our planet. Already, we are dealing with more frequent wildfires, droughts, storms and other extreme weather events. The main obstacle standing in the way of addressing climate change is private profit, and the system that values quarterly revenue over the survival of human civilization. The fight to save the planet is a fight against capitalism.

Socialist Presidential Candidate, Claudia De la Cruz, Rips Biden’s State of the Union Speech
Statement from Claudia De La Cruz, Socialist Presidential Candidate
The problem with Joe Biden is not that “he’s too old.” He is going to lose his re-election bid because millions of people are disgusted that he is a partner with Netanyahu in Israel's mass killing spree in Gaza.
Democrats Voting ‘Uncommitted’ and Abandoning Biden Are Sending a Powerful Message
The Claudia De la Cruz / Karina Garcia 2024 presidential campaign supports the growing movement of people who are sending a message of rejection to Genocide Joe at the voting booth.

Private Utility Monopoly Sets California on Fire and Robs the Survivors - Socialist Presidential Candidates Say “Put Power in The Hands of the People!”
(photo credit: Reuters/Gene Blevins)
All across California, rising utility bills are devastating working families struggling to afford basic necessities. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has long been aiding and abetting the billionaire owners of PG&E – robber barons of the energy industry – as they line their pockets and set the state ablaze. Now these corporate partners in crime are at it again.

Claudia De la Cruz/Karina Garcia socialist presidential campaign holds kick-off event in Newark, NJ
Supporters of the Claudia-Karina 2024 socialist presidential ticket gathered in Newark, New Jersey on January 28 for the kick-off in-person campaign event. Longtime activists spoke about Claudia and Karina’s record of commitment to people’s movements before the candidates themselves took the stage, followed by a cultural event featuring singer-songwriter Carsie Blanton and DJs Uptown Vinyl Supreme.

But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument
Tens of millions of people across the country are deeply concerned about the prospect that Donald Trump will return to the White House. Faced with this profoundly troubling possibility, many feel like they have no choice but to view the election purely as a referendum on whether or not Trump comes back into power, regardless of who his opponent is. But for people who want to defeat the racist, pro-corporate, anti-women, war-mongering and planet killing politics that Trump represents, this would be a big mistake.