Socialist Presidential Candidates Blast Republicans’ “Brutal Attacks on the Working Class”

Former President Donald Trump and House Republicans have once again exposed the hollowness of their “pro-working class” rhetoric, which masks an ultra-capitalist agenda. As recently reported by the Washington Post, Trump and his advisors are planning another trillion dollar tax giveaway to the richest corporations and individuals should they win. This is at a time when corporations are already taking home record profits from price-gouging consumers while the rich hide away trillions of dollars in tax havens. 

“Trump’s allies in Congress, the House ‘Freedom Caucus,’ are taking the working class hostage, demanding that food be taken from the mouth of babes or else they will force the US to default on their debt,” stated Claudia De la Cruz, presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. “House Republicans want to cut food assistance, education funding, and they even want to further gut OSHA so that bosses can more freely allow workers to be maimed and killed on the job without repercussions. 

De la Cruz continued: “This is a brutal attack on the working class. Corporate America made $2.8 trillion dollars in profit in the first half of 2023. It’s a crime that Republicans want children to go hungry and homeless to make sure 700 billionaires can add even more to their $4 trillion fortune. Capitalism doesn’t work for working people. This is why we are calling on workers to take their power back and vote socialist in 2024.” 

“From 2021-2022 we saw the largest one-year jump in poverty, in history” stated Karina Garcia, Vice-Presidential candidate for the PSL. “What’s happening on the campaign trail and in Congress shows the capitalist ‘concern’ for the working class is just BS rhetoric, whether from MAGA or the Biden administration. Workers need their own party, to take power themselves, that is why we are running this campaign.”


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